This week the Pew Research Center released new survey findings relating to America’s usage of online videos.  The findings in this report were gathered from a telephone survey of 1,003 adults.  Your can read the Washington Post’s take on it here or download the actual report here.  What is especially interesting is how much we as the public have increased our downloading, uploading, and sharing of online videos in just the past four years.  Here’s a few stats that I think are really notable:

  • Those uploading or posting videos have increased from 14% in 2009 to 31% in 2013
  • Those downloading or viewing online videos has grown from 69% of internet users to 78% today
  • 41% of 18-29 year old internet users post or share videos online
  • 71% of adults who post videos online do so via social networking sites
  • 41% of adults use their phones to view online videos and 40% use their phones to record videos

Ok, so then obviously the amount of these videos being downloaded or shared that are pornographic must be substantial, right?  After all, someone has to be watching the videos on those 372+ million pornographic web pages in existence, right?  Interestingly enough, this report found that only 16% of adults (25% ages 18-29) admitted to watching adult videos while a whopping 72% watch “how to” videos.  Also, while the number of adult video watchers has more than doubled since 2009, at 12% it still represents a minority of people.

Here’s my thoughts.  Is this right?  Pew does note that since the survey relies on a participant’s honesty those numbers may be skewed but how much?  How do 12% of American online video users account for the 68 million in daily pornographic search engine requests?  While I could share my thoughts on this survey, I’m much more interested in yours.  Take a minute to answer a few questions below and we will release the results on Facebook next month.

One other thing, there is one stat that I can wholeheartedly concur with.  Porn viewing is on the increase … double since 2009 according to this report.  Who knows what the number will be in four more years?


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