Get insight, advice, and encouragement from our community of writers on the topics of porn addiction and sexual integrity.
Online Resources, Support, and Community for Parents Dealing with
with Porn and Sexual Integrity Matters
Parents, porn use and addiction are a serious issue. It is not anything to mess around with or to laugh off as ‘just a phase’. In fact, habitual porn use or addiction might be hiding many other things and the longer it goes without help the more difficult it can be to overcome.
But there’s help and hope! XXXchurch is here to help you with your journey with the conversations surrounding porn, sex and sexuality. Whether it’s for you or your child there is plenty to help with awareness, prevention and recovery.
One of the biggest myths that people believe about pornography – especially if they struggle with it – is that they are the only ones. But that’s not the case! Your child is not alone, and neither are you. There are thousands and thousands of other youth and parents who have triumphed over the struggle with porn and found a completely new life and living in freedom with sexual integrity.
Please investigate the following blogs, each of them written by individuals who have either been where you are or who work in this field. As you read, we’re sure you’ll find some encouragement, inspiration, and practical steps here so that you can help your child through this stage of their life and into a healthy, productive adulthood. Freedom is real, achievable, and available. Get started here.
Be sure to also utilize our many resources. Again, you’re not alone in this journey!
% of 8- to 16-year-olds having viewed pornography online (most while doing homework)
% of teens aged 13 to 17 now use smartphones
Nearly 40% of all teenagers have posted or sent sexually suggestive messages
% of sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms for Parents
Confession is the crucial first step to recovery. You can't move past your sexual addiction until you admit you have one. Sometimes we refer to confession as accountability. Let's start the process of healing today and join thousands of others by submitting a confession.
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