Get insight, advice, and encouragement from our community of writers on the topics of porn addiction and sexual integrity.
Habitual porn use and addiction can be one of the most difficult hurdles to overcome. It’s tough. We know. You’re in a stage of life where you have a lot of questions and porn is something that is not just normalized but you are bombarded by, so it can feel really difficult to avoid.
This is why XXXchurch is a hub for your online fight for porn addiction. Because we know you need resources in your struggle for sexual integrity.
We’ve had a bunch of people who know exactly how you feel write a bunch of blogs about it. These are people who’ve been where you are – when they were the age you are now – or who work in this field of recovery from porn addiction, so they know what they’re talking about. These are people who’ve walked the same road you’re walking and who know how to get down it without losing yourself along the way.
Feel free to look through the blogs below and see what you can learn about fighting this habit or addiction and living with sexual integrity.
9 out of 10 boys were exposed to pornography before the age of 18
U.S. adults who regularly visit internet pornography websites
% of all teens are online
% of 7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address for Young Adults
Confession is the crucial first step to recovery. You can't move past your sexual addiction until you admit you have one. Sometimes we refer to confession as accountability. Let's start the process of healing today and join thousands of others by submitting a confession.
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