Letter to myself:

I have seen your intent to destroy me. But I have news for you.

I am breaking free, right now. I have confronted you. I am forgiven of all my shortfalls, and there is no condemnation left for me.

I have nothing to fear. No one can bring a charge against me. Who is he who will separate me from him? Is porn that powerful?

Has it always been? Will it outlive this earth? I have my best friend who I can now talk to. I will stay accountable to him.

As for Facebook and Instagram, they are gone. I am breaking free. I am leaving. I see now that I can’t stay. You are brutal, I will be brutal with you.

i will starve you at every opportunity. I will turn my head and look the other way.

I am forgiven

Letter from my sex addict:

It is me again. Remember me, of course you do. I torment you all the time, I give you no chance to breathe or rest.

I can’t afford to you know. I want to leave you in utter ruin. My plan is to leave you with an appetite for more porn, so that you can feed me and watch me grow stronger and tighten my grip on your life.

Oh, wait! Don’t tell me you thought otherwise…right? You don’t know that I kept you impure all this time, so I could destroy your relationships and your confidence?

I know your fear deep down in your heart. I know that you long to be significant and tell others about Jesus. I know that in your mind that comes with an expectation of living a blameless life, so I will keep crippling you. You can’t break free; you won’t.

When you walk around campus, I will keep your eyes wandering for that girl in tight shorts. I will plant a seed in your mind, and when you are all alone – I will attack.

All those images that pop up on your newsfeed on Facebook are just ammunition for me.

I want to destroy any hope of you breaking free. I know you are too scared of what others will think of you to open up about me. So, you can’t move.

I have you trapped. Now, I want to destroy you and Sifiso. I don’t want you to think about a life without me. Getting married? Forget it, you will never!

Go to Instagram, see what I do with you.

I am waiting for you…