10-New-ThingsWe are now in day 14 of the new year. Here’s my question.

How may New Year’s Resolutions have you abandoned already? (Tweet This!)
I’m guessing for the average person the answer is a lot.

But resolutions can be good.
They give us goals.
They offer us the hope of change.

We’ve been running the 30 Day Porn Free Challenge this month because maybe one of your goals this year is to stop looking at porn. If so, check this out.

I myself realize that I need new challenges too. New things to get to me to the next level.

Recently I read something fascinating from a guy named James Altucher. He wrote, “Come up with 10 new ideas every day and you will be an idea machine.

He said don’t worry if you don’t have 10 good ideas a day but just try.

That said, being a guy who loves new ideas, I thought I would start the new year off by writing a list of 10 things every day. I also invited some of my friends and other people from the online world to join me in this challenge. (Of course, I had to turn it into a challenge)

I called a few of these people on this week’s podcast episode and asked them why they wanted to do this and had them share one of their top ten lists they had written so far. You can listen to that below or on iTunes.

Here are the blogs for some of those folks who took me up on the challenge:

m-truax.tumblr.com – Michelle of course got mad I didn’t invite her initially but then decided to join in. (Everyone was invited by the way)
craiggross.com is where you can find mine.

We will see how long this goes. What’s your challenges for the new year? (Tweet This!)

Maybe you want to get in on this one? If so let us know!


take the 30 day porn free challenge-facebook

Are you hoping to break free from porn addiction this year? If so, sign up for the 3o Day Porn Free Challenge. 5 helpful emails over the next 30 days designed to help you get free from porn.

Sign up Today!


Creative Commons License New Year … New Resolutions by Craig Gross is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://xxxchurch.com.