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Come on. Is porn addiction real?
Is it?
Is porn an addiction even?
If you’ve been even remotely paying attention online for the past few years, you’ll know this has become somewhat of a debate. Some people believe that porn is addictive, while others wonder: is porn addiction real at all.
And while these are certainly interesting and worthy questions to ask, the better question, though, might be: is porn an addiction that affects you?
Chances are, you’re crossing your fingers that porn isn’t an addiction, and so you typed some words into the internet in the hopes of finding a source to back up your notions. You really, really want the answer to the question “Is porn addiction real?” to be a big fat no.
Or, on the other hand, you may be the type of person who is struggling in a major way with pornography, and you might even think you’re struggling so much that you’re addicted, but then you started wondering if that was even a thing. And so you went searching to find out, “Is porn an addiction?” and you’re worried the answer is going to be yes.
Well, wherever you fall on that spectrum, we have an answer for you: yes, porn can be addictive.
But we also have something else to tell you: it’s an addiction that you can beat. For good.
For real.
We invite you to browse our site and see what you can see. We have tons of resources to help you stare your porn addiction in the face and then overcome it. It won’t be easy and it won’t be immediate, but it can be done.
Porn addiction is real. But so is freedom from it. You’re in the right place.
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