Letter to myself:
Dear brother lust,
I am not very happy of the way to behaved yesterday and How you chose my entertaiment program. It was not safe not with out danger as you said.
I really cannot trust you anymore and I’m sick of your influence. You are fearfull and évén don’t know why.
I Will now give the contrôl of my choices to God’s Spirit to lead me évén in my leasure Times, and Hé will Help me direct my will into the right choices. I know He loves me more Than you do. I am a wonderfull man in His sight and don’t want you to spoil my inheritance with your lies and corrupt influence.
Nô longer your friend.
Nô regards.
Letter from my sex addict:
I think that Being a widower, you need relationship with a nice lady and want to help you feel the void in your life with also some satisfaction. Especially after ministry Times, you are tired of being alone at home and need some comfort. There is nothing like like a beautyfull girls you can watch on the internet for free to ease the pain of your loneliness.
Hoping you will change your mind, I Will allways be here to help you.
Sincerily yours.
Lust off Z I.