Letter to myself:
Dear Sex addict: It has been a long time since we have traveled the road together: the road of dishonesty, lies, fears, fake satisfaction, temporary pleasure and immorality. You have trapped me by telling lies that no one would ever know, that you would take away my loneliness and fears, that comfort would be assured – but instead all I have felt along the road have been shame, disappointment, guilt, fear of rejection, fear of being unloved. You have ruined my relationship with God, you have caused great damage in my relationship with my wife and it almost cost me my marriage! You never know how much it has hurt my wife and how much I feel so ashamed because of what I have done to her due to your lies! I would not trade my relationship with my wife and our intimacy for a few minutes of please you have offered me! I want you to know that from now on, I value my wife more than anything and I have decided to make her my top priority, after God. I am willing to die to self for her sake, and you no longer have a place in my mind, heart, soul and body. I am so sick of you and this letter means a break up from you forever. I am no longer your slave and victim. I am on the way of complete freedom and full restoration. I know you might think I wont make it, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I know the road might be long, but with the Holy Spirit in me, He will never leave nor forsake me. He is my strength when I am weak – He is my Helper in times of need – He is my Healer and real joy-giver. Good bye forever!
Letter from my sex addict:
You are so determined with this. I think I have lost the battle. You have Someone greater in you and that makes me admit you win!