I am an overcomer, because the Lord has told me so.
I am an overcomer, because the Word of God says I am.
I am an overcomer, because that is who God made me to be.
Listen here old man, you are dead and buried in Christ Jesus. I know I’ve said it for a long time now, but this is a new day. God is doing a new thing and I will not remember the old things.
I know you will not give up without a fight, but by the grace of God I will, yes I will fulfill my destiny as an overcomer, as a Godly and pure husband, as a Godly father, and as the head of my home. I will begin to rebuild the walls with Gods help and see the amazing thing God will do for me, for He loves me and cares for me.
For far to long I have listened to and believed your lies, but no more. I will believe the truth of what God has said about me.
I will be free from porn, lust and masturbation.
I will keep my eyes on Jesus.
I will see the goodness of the Lord and hear Him and He will guide me.
I will draw near to Him and cast all my cares on Him.
I will be accountable to two brothers of like faith.
I will be truthful to God, to my accountably partners, and to myself.
I will be faithful to God and to my wife, in body, in thought and in desire. By your grace and in your presence I will change.
I will be the man of God I was called to be.
I will see this heavy chain broken.
I will see all of my fears and shame broken as I look to God and He will radiate His light on me.
This poor man will cry out to the Lord and the Lord will here me. This shall be done as I humble myself to God and others who will help me through. In His name and by His grace it shall be done.