Hello old friend, I’ve realized the error of my ways these past few years, thinking that you were by my side, and there for me. The truth is a friend would not let a friend wallow in sin like this, a friend would help me repent and turn away. No. You are not my friend. You are not there for me. No more middle of the night guilt sessions, no more deleted browser history, no more shame, I will no longer be afraid to let my friends see my phone! I will not feel unworthy anymore! God died for me, but I will not slap Him in the face anymore. I will join a men’s group I will seek support, and I will no longer look to you for help. Oh I am over you old friend. You will no longer have chains on me. My phone, my mind, my heart will be clear and focused on the only savior I have, not some free website with 5 minutes of “clarity”
Over you.
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