Letter to myself:
I´m from Brazil. I started to wacth porn about 10 years ago when I was 13. Since then I only stopped few times when I was in a relationship, because I had respect to my girlfriend. But, with my current girlfriend I had sex for the first time, and since that day (about a 2 years and half) I lost this respect and I started to watch porn everyday. I can´t get 2 weeks without porn. It fills me.
My girlfriend knows a little bit about my problem, just her, no one else. I´m really really really ashamed of it, that´s my secret and no one can ever know about that.
I already tried to stop wacthing porn many times, I lost count. I dont want grow with this sin. I want a beautiful family, happy and faithful. I want to be the best father ever, and give the bests examples. I want my whole family be pround of me. I want be pround of myself, and in order to do that I have to stop wacthing porn and follow Jesus.
Letter from my sex addict:
You wacht porn for almost half your age. You tried so many times to quit that pleasent addiction that you know that you cant stopt it by yourself. And you have too shame t tell someone that you are an addicted. So you are alone in this fight. I know you have a good heart, but you are weak. You hate me but you always come back to me. Sometimes you pursuit happiness in the right place, but one or two days later you are here with me, looking for filling that empty inside you. You can forget me when you are with your family, but when you are alone, you come quick after me, thinking that you can control me. I got news for you: I am the one in control. And if dont do the right thing, you will be sorry for the rest of your life. You gonna be the daddy that wacth porn, the pevert grandpa. Do you want to pass the rest of your life saying to your kids to do what you say but dont do what you do? You gotta kill me before I kill all your dreams! Once again…..you have a great heart, and a great potecial to be whoever you want, you just have to focus in what you truly believe.