Dear sex addict, did you know that God can do all things. Do you know that he can read my mind and my soul right now. That he knows how week i am. and that he has a plan to help me live moment by moment day by day? i just wanted to let you know that im stopping. im not going to try and stop lusting on my own. im not going to try and stop lusting!!!! im not going to try and stop looking at porn. i dont want to look at porn. im not going to try and stop masturbating. i dont want to masturbate. What i am saying now is that i have tried to stop in the past and i have only hurt my self. my low self esteem and bitterness is killing. my inability to live a healthy life style has kept me back for so long. has keep me frozen from Real LOVE and REAL LIFE! i want to forgive, be healthy, be honest, and be able to look people in the eyes and accomplish what God has for me!!! and he will help me live and take it day by day. 1. by prayer and meditation everyday and night(pages 84-88 in the big book) 2. By exercising 3 days a week. (walking dog from 20 min. to a hour) 3. by going to meetings(SA or SAA) 4. by making phone calls when agitated Thank you for pushing me towards God, but God can help me now. and i can help my self by asking him to help me!!!!! i will remember you for the rest of my life and look upon you as a growing experience. but please, dont come back. im dying.
with a forgiving spirit,