Dear Girl in the corner
You have tried over and over again to become sexually pure. But each time you have failed and slipped up the feelings of shame and hypocrisy remained. I know what you crave. YOu want a release from the issues that lie underneath. You have been running for so long. If its not masturbation it is the pretending thing. These things are just excues to run out from the corner for a few minutes and to go back. The devil tries to tell you that your are nothing and that you are not saved by the precious blood of Jesus. I want you to know that Christ is enough to run to. Those feelings can be fullified by getting lost in Jesus and his love. You are worth the effort to change. The road will be long and hard to full purity and a sound mind. But Jesus is there through the storm and no matter what joy comes in the morning. Keep running to Jesus he will be enough.
Daughter of God
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