Letter to myself:
Dear Sex addict,
You made me believe that looking at porn and masturbating was okay, that it not going hurt anyone. I believed you that the woman in the video’s enjoyed it and that they didn’t get hurt.But Now I now that is not true and that you have no power.You are not as strong as I thought you where This is the truth, You are confused and fake man pretending to be something that your not. This is what I’m willing to do to get my freedom back.. Here are some of the truth about me, I’m valued and worth saving. I’m loved by others and am worthy thereof. I’m loved just the way I am. I deserved to be protected. I’m God’s son and I have been made righteous with His blood. With His help you don’t have a chance.I’m comfortable being me. I will be some one who that tells the truth. I will be honest with my small group and christian brothers. If I lie i will apologise and then tell the truth.I will tell the truth no matter how it may feel. I’m going to attend small group every week, to spend time with the Lord daily. Will get some one I can be accountable with by phoning/ texting them everyday. I will take care of my body. I belong to God, He is my father. God loves and accepts me and He does want to save me. I’m going to live differently from this day forward.
Letter from my sex addict:
Your never going to get over me, your have tried in the past and have failed what’s going to be different this time. Your weak admit it. I’m going to leave you lonely and with out a job. I will destroy your life, do you really think God is going safe you? You are not going to get married or have the life you always wanted. You would be able to get over me ever.