Dear sex addict,
You came into my life at 13. Since then you have been a seeping disease affecting every part of my life. I am finished with you. You sneak and trick and lie. Yours is a relationship of taking the easy way out. Of excuses. Of self loathing. Henceforth, you have no power over me.
God loves me and cares for me, and you have never shown an iota of that. Through him I am strong. You only tear me down. He is the truth I am listening to from here on out.
I will learn to see me as created in God’s image. I am loved, complete, and powerful in his eyes. I am already redeemed and made new in his eyes. Going forward, things are going to change.
You have tried to tell me that honesty will destroy, but I have only seen it extend grace to me. I will be honest to my bible study and most terrifyingly, my wife.
I will combat my loneliness with art and expression. Too often have you tempted me through the guise of loneliness and boredom. Right now I am committing to drawing, painting, and creating for at least 15 minutes when my wife is gone for more than an hour.
You are finished. God is my partner, so where can you compare. I will spend my mornings in prayer and meditations with God the father. I will also journal three times a week.
This is my plan, and through this I will be victorious and ever mindful of your treason.
Never again,