I told them I was done. I know you’ve heard it before, and that you’ve won so many battles your pride blinds you from the fact that this is a war. I stuggle to fight, but my God perserveres. I slip and fall, but the Lord is my wall. He will protect and restore. How many times? Until I have built my house upon the rock he raised up. This is the truth, that Christ has overcome the world. That you have lost. So, no matter the score, without a doubt, your day is done. Dawn turns to day, wounds heal, scares fade. My old self will pass, your reign will end, but the Word will remain. There’s an army rising over one that’s falling. You’re falling. There’s no shame in accountability or failure – it leads to success. There’s only shame in a relationship with you, devil. Christ has crushed your dirt-eating head, it’s just a story being retold in my life. The ending is known to all, and there won’t be a sequel.
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