Dear Zackary,

You have come quite a long way in life. You’re married now. You are a follower of Jesus, serving at your church, wanting to disciple young men. Seeking The Lord for direction in your life. I’ve watched you rise & I’ve watched you fall. Secretly, in the bathroom of your own home. Wasting hours of your life. Then getting on stage & leading Gods people with lust in your eyes & sin in your heart. God loves you man, & so so I. I don’t want to see you walking down this road anymore. No more, “I’m human and I make mistakes.” This isn’t a mistake. It’s a choice & YOU know it. No more commuting adultery with an imaginary woman who’s forced to have sex with a demonic, spiritless being. You’re better than that. Your wife trusts you. And she loves you with her whole heart. The young men you disciple look up to you & trust you with their hearts. Let this be your testimony… Not your life style. I’m rooting for you man. God knows & sees all. You have lied to your wife. To your brothers in Christ, & most of all to me. This has to end. I love you, God loves you. Get up on your feet & Fight.