Letter to myself:

Hi RJ,

How are you right now? Do you feel comfortable today? I know you are still struggling to pornography, and I know you want to end this right now. Don’t worry there are many ways that can help you fight and let go of that sin forever, but there is just one way for all of these ways to be effective and that’s what you called commitment. When you are committed to something you promised to do, you’ll be reminded that in just one mistake everything will fall apart. You’ll be free from sexual immorality, you’ll be free from pornography, you’ll be free from lust, but you can’t do it and you will never ever do it because you’re just doing it for yourself. You have to do it or GOD. Start taking time to talk to Him, start saying your sorry, start asking for forgiveness, start opening your bible and start writing a letter to him. All of these will work out if you start having a conversation with God and start asking for His love, a love that will overflow and satisfy you, a satisfaction that each and every man is searching, a satisfaction that you will never get from watching sex and masturbation. So start now, don’t waste your time, don’t become lazy, STOP being lazy. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13. Lean on Christ and surrender your life to him.

Your’s truly,

Letter from my sex addict:

Hi RJ,

I am really weak. I do know that God is there for me, but I am acting like he is not there. I am really tired and of getting back to my old sinful habit, but every time I feel this thing, these hormones inside my body, I can’t resist the temptation. I wanted to start now, and I really wanted to stay out and put these sexual immorality to death. I want to get back to God wholeheartedly and present my dirty and wicked self so that he can clean me again and never get back to my old self anymore because I am assured of his love. From now on as I confess this to you, I will tell this all to God and I will ask his forgiveness and will commit myself in stopping this immoral thing.

Sincerely Yours,