“Through you I push down my foes; through your name we tread down those who rise up against us.” – psalm 44:5 God is fighting for my entire life. you have no hold on me because of the power of the lord. In your presence there is: power, freedom, hope, healing, love, grace, beauty, forgiveness and mercy. Ou are not apart of the presence of the Lord and thats the reason you must go. You are a sick vile evil addiction. You have driven a huge wedge in my spiritual life. I almost lost my girlfriend because you are so horribly evil and destroying. You have no longer a stronghold in my life, because i have a God bigger than you fighting for me (psalm 46) I will break free from your bind because i don’t need a sex addiction to survive life. You used to make me feel worthless and in the sight of My God, the one that even in the dirtiest parts of my life…… As I’m sitting here I felt like I had to pour out my heart in some long emotional letter giving up my sins and breaking the chains of this addiction, but the beauty is from the very start of my life they were broken. I have no reason to be sad about what you have done to my life. I have no reason to stay in this emotional state and be held down by weight of my sins. THE LORD HAS BEEN FIGHTING FOR ME AND ALWAYS WILL BE. He took on my sadness, insecurities, lust, pride, anger and frustration. I will choose from this moment on to forgive myself and show grace towards this broken ugly being I used to be.
1. I will be more Honest to my self and others (my girlfriend, family, friends and accountability partners.)
2. I will leave all social media behind for all six months.
3. i will get into the word of God everyday, every moment I can.
4. I promise to beat this addiction for my girlfriend.
5. I will watch what TV/movies i put into my mind.
6. I promise to listen to the holy spirit.
7. I will pray every morning that God will guide my thoughts, actions, eyes and heart to follow his plan.