Letter to myself:
Letter to my food, sex and lust addict,
loneliness, fear of rejection, fear of worthlessness, fear of not being able to stop. Accecpt my Fear and sin and Faith it to I make it to the promise land of Gods plan by the Goals he leads me to set.
I. Victory comes through “Guarding my Temptation Quotient”
2 Cor 2:11b … I am not ignorant of Satan’s devise. (His methods, strategies and approaches)
He attacks when I am weakest: ” No Right or wrong answer, Simply am where, I am.”
1 to 10 Scale determine:
1. How Physically exhausted/tired am I? Vs. Energetic/Strong am I? 5
2. How Emotionally Discouraged/Down Am I vs. Encouraged/Up am I? 6
3. How Mentally Boarded/Discontent Vs. challenged/Content am I? 7
4. How spiritual DEPLETED/Empty? Vs. Growing/Full Am I? 4
5. How Geographically DISTANT/Alone Am I ? Vs. Near/Together am I? 4
6. How relational Alienated/Cold Vs. Close/Warm am I? 6
7. How Internally Hopeless/Sad am I? Vs. Hopeful/Happy am I? 9
8. How Personally Insecure/Unsure am I? Vs. How secure/Confident am I ? 6.5
9. How secretly BITTER/Angry am I? Vs. Forgiving/accepting am I ? 7
10. How Deeply WOUNDED/ hurt am I? vs Appreciated/Loved am I? 7
“Self Discovery: My Temptation Quotient Assessment Tool: Aug 14: 70.5 I need to be careful
A. I’m doing Great: 90-100
B. I’m Very Good: 80-90
C. I need to Be careful: 70-80
D. I’m in Danger: 60-70
c. I’m in Extreme Danger: 50-60
e. I’m in Crisis: Below 50
Where am I? Aug 14: 70.5 I need to be careful
How Long? 2-3 months
“The longer the time, the greater the likely hood of crime and danger”
II. Breaking MY Temptation Pattern.
1 Cor 10:13 – No temptation has overtaken me, accept what’s common to man, but with that temptation will also so b made a way of escape , that I may be able to bear it.
20/80 Rule – 20% of the sins I commit creates 80% of the problems in my life”
Seek out Cycles and Patterns thru reflection on past failures and present temptations.
1. When during the week am I must like to be tempted , what day of the week? (Fri, Sat, Sun
“Most Common Friday and Saturday)
2. What time of the day do I face the temptation the most?
Morning , afternoon, early evening 7 pm-9pm , late evening 9pm+
3. Were am I tempted to Sin the most?
Work Home , Gym- Shopping
4. Who is nearby when I am tempted t sin the most? Irritations: child, Parents, Wife/girlfriend, groups (i.. The fellas ) , Co-workers, boss , anybody?
5. What type(s) of Sin am I tempted to commit the most”
“Just right the first letter of the sin for Privacy ”
***The Next Two are Extremely Important to Identify to become successfully Holy”
6. How do I feel right before that sin? Tired, frustrated, in need of comfort, #1 reason often a mixture of frustration-anger-hurt: Lack of comfort ” I going to forget life, I want to escape ”
7. Why does this sin give me what I want? “Before the negatives of guilt and shame theirs a positive experience. What is it satisfying temporally ? ”
Bonus: It’s recommend I replace the pleasure with the legitimate behavior God allows me to experience the pleasure on the day and/or time I am most tempted.
III. Habits of Holiness “Exercising to become more health and strong”
1. Scriptures: how often do I Read, Think about and apply the Bible.
0 – Rarely 5- 1 or 2 times Monthly 10 – 1 or 2 Weekly 15 – 3 or 4 times weekly 20 – daily
2. Supplication: Pray, and praise the Lord personally (Just me) 15
0-Rarely 5- 1 or 2 times Monthly 10- 1 or 2 Weekly 15- 3 or 4 times weekly 20- daily
3. Savior: I’m becoming deeply committed to Jesus Christ. Where am I at this point in my life? ” As for me and my house we will serve the Lord” 15
0- I’m not committed 5- I’m a little committed 10- I’m mostly committed mostly 15- vary committed 20- Fully committed
4.Santifcation: Cleansing myself from sin and becoming holy. (rid of negative , growing positive)
0-I’m not changing 5- I’m beginning to change 10-I know I’m changing 15-I’ve changed a lot 20-I’ve been transformed
5. Saints: Am I Accountable to my church and to other godly man? 15/5
0- I not at all 5- rarely 10-Holidays/Qrtly 15-monthly 20-Weekly/frequently
0-No accountable 5-Rarely godly men 10-sometimes godly men 15-Often 20-Proactively/Frequently
6. Spirit: “Set my mind” and “walk in the Holy Spirit” …shall not fulfil desires of thee flesh. 15
0-Have no clue 5- Little bit of understanding 10-Some/fairy 15-Actively Setting my mind 20-It’s becoming my life
***Jesus say: Don’t do anything until I get the Spirit because he will give me power in my life. VERY IMPORTANT. If the Spirit not active in my life I WILL BE weak.***
7. Service: Am I giving Time and effort to serve the lord? Not simply acts of community service( good) ,but acts the build the kingdom of God establishing heaven on earth? Not everything does, one must know and discern worldly from godly good deeds . “It’s the things heaven cares about” 5
0- None 5-Little 10-Monthly 15-Weekly 20 – frequently
STOP, Know My Numbers: 0- 5 10 15 20
Am I winning from within? How is my internally strong am I? How are my habits of Holiness today? Aug 2014:75 I’m weak
I’m Strong: 100+ (possible 140) “very few people attain all 5 at any point in their lives”
I’m Very Good: 90-100
I’m Good: 80-90
I’m Weak: 70-80
I’m in Danger: 60-70
I’m Extremely weak: Less than 60
IIII. Turing Temptation Into Triumph: Tactics To Use During Battle
1. When I’m tempted, I run from the temptation until I reach the THRONE
The second or moment I realize” Whoa! I’m being enticed into in temptation” (i.e. sex scene or exposed to immorality, increasing anger) At that second go right to the THRONE ,Say out loud ” Lord I am in the middle of temptation, and I committed to being a holy man. What do you want me to do? Again the second I realize the temptation, I go directly to God. The strength of the temptation deflates weakens quickly.
2. (Possible Most Power way to fight back) When Tempted, Fight back, immediately ask God to bless my Pastor.
The enemy is good at allowing the situation to cause me to focus on my self, what I want to do is get my eye off my self , no longer remaining preoccupied, If the enemy is involved he is trying to push on me hard.
A. Don’t try to fight the temptation B. Go right to God and say “God Bless Pastor Kevin and the local church. The next time he preaches my a lot of people be saved. Marriages that are troubled be healed ,Every Man in the congregation become Christ Centered warrior . ”
***It works soooo quick…Begin to think of some people I want God to Bless***
3. When most tempt able, tell Christ, your wife, and partner “Immediately”
A. Pray to God ” Farther I heaven, I’m weak and at risk to fall into temptation. Help me”
B. Tell Wife/friend: ” I real vulnerable right now, ( reason) or no particular reason”
C. Tell Best Friend: Pray For me ,”I’m fragile, I’m not real strong right now. Finding it hard to resist ”
***No a sign of weakness but a sign of strength! courageous to be vulnerable in a fallen+ cruel world’
4. Experience Gods power aand dedicate your heart by steping across the line identifying and conquer my biggest sin in he next 30 days.
Can I Imagine what would take place if my biggest sin was erased?
” You and Gods angel, All heaven has heard your pray and were sick and tire of hearing your prayer. I have a suit case full of 1 million dollars. I will give you a thousands dollars a day till you reach 1 million. The catch is if you sin one time you lose all the money. Could I be successful than? It believe I could.
The point isn’t that I can’t, the point is I haven’t decided it’s worth it to not commit the sin.
!!! Don’t start with any, Pick my biggest sin, Go to a entrusted friend, tell my wife about it and saying in the next 30days “will you help me rid my life this sin? I will pursue victory by going after self control.
5. Stay tight and accountable with man who have a heart for holiness.
“No One Stands alone”, ” No man left behind, One Man at a time” , “Community=Common unity”, DON’T GO IT ALONE. Always have a wingman. Don’t Be The Lone Ranger fighting against temptation.
6. Break the back of one “temptation” by getting rid of the source
***If the source is gone , I cannot engage it or be engaged by it. Get rid of the source. ***
*** If your having a affair , Call the person and end it. BREAK THE Source***
*** Make sure I’m thinking bout holiness the way God thinks about holiness; As I do everything I can according to his instruction, God will cause me to become more holy***
7. Invest 30 minutes each day into my holiness habits.
Letter from my sex addict:
Letter From my food, sex and lust addict,
Lust Is Dead