Dear sex addict,
You have ruined who I am. The way I look at myself. The way I look at others. The way I treat others. But you have not ruined the way my God looks at me. He wants me, He loves me, He wants me to succeed. You have also not ruined the way others see me. They see me with love and forgiveness. This little thing called Grace. To stay sober, and to resist the urges you put on me, I will do whatever I need to. I will devote time daily to spend with the Lord. I will be truthful in all relationships, wether it be with my family, friends, girlfriend, wife, kids, pastor, etc…. I will allow people to invade my personal life and question me as to why I am looking at these things. I will give up time on the computer just to avoid temptation. I will make a phone call to an accountability partner if I ever feel tempted. I will find men to keep me accountable while I keep them accountable. I will surround myself with others in my position to help strengthen each other. I will no longer reduce myself to your level, I will hold myself to a higher standard so in the future I can be strong for my wife and kids.