Letter to myself:

Hey man, you keep looking up pornographic videos, gifs and images. just please stop, do yourself a favour, listen to what God has to say, focus on his kingdom, think of the happiness and joy you will receive. and also think about the pain after looking at these things, think how it feels, the internal pain, the regret, the feeling of letting he Lord down, think before you do. Don’t give into these transgressions. DON’T LET YOURSELF SIN

Letter from my sex addict:

Hey, its been a long time. How’d it go? did you ever look up pornographic material? did you listen to good? are you a better person? did you sin? NO you didn’t, you succeeded, your survived. you are a better person, you are more holy, you are closer to God. You no longer have to be scared or uncertain, you can breath easy, live freely, and be happy, with the fact that you threw away that part of your life. Your the best. Keep up the work, and remember DON’T LET YOURSELF SIN