I have been following this organization’s page on Facebook for a while now and I wanted to say thank you and share a little bit of my story. I grew up in a church going family but necessarily a Christian one. When I reached eighth grade I became familiar with pornography and masturbation and it’s been a plague in my life ever since. Recently, however, I began attending Celebrate Recovery through my local church. I was thinking about how exactly I was led to CR. First, I believe that Jesus Christ, who I call savior and father, tugged on my heart to get help. Second, I believe it was XXXChurch that encouraged me to find a support system. It was the constant posts about accountability and community posted on Facebook by XXXChurch that encouraged me to start attending CR and it has been life changing. It’s my hope that Craig, and everyone else involved with this ministry understands that they matter to people like me. People that need direction and guidance and support through this darkness. Thank you for encouraging me to find help, and thank you for always pointing people back to Jesus.