Dear pastor
Thank you so much for your advice for me..I use to think i was useless because i have done so many bad things in my life and i deserved to die..pastor, u made me realize that i am useful for God and that i deserve to live..thank you so much for your concern ..i deeply want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because.. Honestly when i first read through your mails i was unable to follow God but i was trying to.. but it all went in vain..As i was going through your mail honestly i deeply got convicted of my sins and confessed everything before God ..but i need to prolong in this new life towards Jesus. i hope i could ..pastor much deeper from my heart i want to thank you in person but its impossible right now…but i wish to do so..once again i thank you for all your humble advice for me ..i want Jesus to come in my life once again…i accept Jesus as my personal savior in my life and iam not ashamed ..continue to pray for me ..pastor iam deeply sorry …actually i was waiing for your reply …but i couldnt found find your mail for so long ..just now found it by Gods grace
My regards.