My name is John Allen, though that may be meaningless, I’m just a faceless name that’s struggling and fighting this sin of porn and all that goes along with it. *sigh* I’d like to thank you for all your troubles, trails, and tribulations, and all that you and your staff had to and still may go through to keep this ministry alive. Thank you.
There’s a ministry and support group and everything else for every other sin and addiction under the same….except us…there’s not that many avenues we can travel.
Please don’t stop what your doing, please don’t stop fighting, whatever it is that you have to fight, don’t stop. I can’t vouch for anyone else but myself…its people like you who give me a voice, who give me an avenue to deviate myself from a path that leads to something no fun nor cool. I’m not going to turn this into a thesis statement, I just wanted to drop a line to express my gratitude. Blessings to you and your staff and your ministry.
– John Allen