I just got done reading some of your many hate mail letters. It does not surprise me the anger and venom that is spewed by the uninformed and supposedly loving “Christians” towards your ministry. They do not seem to understand it is a ministry for the unsaved not for the Church. I am an Assemblies of God Pastor in rural Indiana. I will tell what I told your friend and former partner in holy crime J.R. at a conference in Houston recently. I was raised in a God fearing Christian home. I was exposed to porn by m older brother at the age of 10 approx.  struggled with all consuming appetite for this drug until the age of 35. I went to Bible college got married and 13 years later received a phone call late one night at work from my wife saying, “It’s over”. She divorced me as I failed over and over again in my addiction. I lost my family including my three kids. I went from playboy, to chatting, viewing porn online to meeting people in person. I became heavily involved in the swinging scene in my area. I was so upset the night my wife kicked me out I met a married women in my hotel for sex. So believe me I know of what I speak. It robbed me of my dignity my ministry and my family. Almost 5 years ago God has restored my family,ministry and dignity through the power of His Holy Spirit! Because of ministries such as yours people are being exposed to the truth of God’s love! I sought help through pure life ministries and much counseling prayer and the love of an amazing women who never gave up on me even when she divorced me, I Am FREE! I am currently planting a new church in my hometown addressing some of the same sin I have came out of! Keep up the good work and never compromise your message. The message of the Cross!!! Paul became all things to all people to reach them you are doing the same thing. Doing everything short of sin!! People are worth it God Bless all of you. God does love Porn Stars..