Grace to you in the name of Jesus our Savior.
I felt compelled to
share this story with you today. It really starts on Wednesday of last
week. I was at Creation Music Festival and saw your booth. I met with
one of the people at the booth (I believe is Brandon, but don’t
remember) I explained to that guy that it is only because of your
ministry that I am where I am today. I am currently a pastor of a small
church where I also run the youth ministry. I thanked him for the
ministry and purchased a Bible.
I took your Jesus loves
pornstars Bible to youth group and was talking about Jesus and the rich
man who had more grain than he had room for before he died. My youth
noticed my Bible and asked me about it to which the discussion became
one about pornography and the healing that can come from it. For some
reason (God’s providence) a kid had brought his brand new laptop to
show off at youth group and they immediately logged on to your site and
we began talking about the healing that is possible even from porn
One of my youth was incredibly interested in what
help there was available for porn addiction. He never said he looked at
porn but as a former porn addict myself he didn’t have to say anything
the look of fear in his eyes when the topic came up was enough.
you for your ministry you have opened the door for porn to be talked
about in a small church with a youth ministry of 8 kids who desperately
need to hear about Jesus and his healing love for them.
– Pastor Splazz