Sex addiction often includes dependency and reliance on pornography, both for sexual gratification and as a means of coping with the stressors of life. There are many ways that porn negatively influences mental health and wellbeing. However, once you stop using porn to cope, you will notice exciting things begin to happen.

Those in recovery report 5 things that happen to your mental health when you give up porn:

1. Live More Authentically

There is something freeing and liberating about finally being able to stop lying and live more authentically. This provides an opportunity to regain some of your self-respect when you quit porn.

The web of lies that you create to cover up an addiction to porn- or other vices- can create a divide between you and those closest to you. Like a poorly made sweater, when one tiny strand is pulled, the entire thing can unravel, and your lies could be exposed.

It’s hard work covering up an addiction and giving up porn can create a new life that is full of possibilities and potential that would have never been feasible.

2. Begin to Like Yourself

How do you feel about yourself? When you’re addicted to pornography, there’s a lot of shame, guilt, and self-loathing that can erode your self-esteem and self-love.

Like yourself again by finding more constructive and productive ways to cope with the stressors and/or past hurt and trauma.

When you demonstrate the courage and will to give up something that you have come to rely on, like porn, you will feel pride and self-worth. It is very transformative.

3. Hope Comes Back

Hopelessness is a symptom of depression. When you resort to using porn, it can evoke feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Since porn is often used as a coping mechanism, some addicts can begin to seek out or even create situations to feel overwhelmed and unhappy. This provides a reason to use porn. It is a cycle that can be tough to break on your own.

People that use pornography often lose the desire to be around others and are often afraid of intimacy with others. They begin to feel unworthy of love and lasting relationships.

Quitting porn can restore hope and remind you that you are worthy of a fulfilling relationship with another person.

4. Regain Control over your Life

Giving in to your vice or addiction, like pornography, can make you feel like you have lost control. One in every five people that regularly watch pornography report that they are controlled by their sexual predilection.

This begins a vicious cycle of use among addicts as they are floundering to gain control back of their life while giving in to their desires to view porn.

When you quit porn and say no to triggers, this can lead to newfound feelings of self-esteem and confidence, too, enhancing mental health overall.

5. Increase in Overall Productivity

So, what are you going to do with all the time that you are not spending watching porn? This is one of the positive advantages of giving up porn, but if you do not stay busy, you may find yourself being triggered or relapsing.

Getting the monkey off your back can lead to more productivity; the key is to maintain a routine and to set goals with clearly defined deadlines.

A study asked those who watch porn online, how much time they realistically spent watching internet porn sites. Almost 60% reported watching between 4-15 hours of porn per week, so consider this when giving up pornography.

Spend those hours in a constructive way that benefits your mental health and wellbeing. Some ways to use this newfound time? Consider the following suggestions:

  • Make yourself be of service to others. This may come from volunteering at your church or for a community organization. It will make you feel good!
  • Spend the time learning more about faith. Re-read the Bible. Talk to a friend from church. Join a choir. Get right with God.
  • Commit to a regimen of physical activity and fitness. Healthy exercise is always recommended when giving up a vice- throw yourself into it and reap the benefits of working out!
  • Join a support group for sexual addicts. It can help you stay focused on recovery and provide venues for healthy relationships with other adults.

When you give up using pornography, you will also feel better about your relationship with God. Living authentically can make you feel closer and more in touch with your faith.

Substance use, like alcohol or drugs, can make you more vulnerable to the evils of pornography. If you have a substance dependency issue, treatment and recovery are possible- call and talk to someone who cares today.

Not sure you can give up pornography on your own? You don’t have to! Join our small groups online– and start living your best life today.