Tomorrow we are releasing the New X3pure to the public, and I’m very excited.
But you may be thinking, “Craig, why is this exciting? After all, isn’t this just a rehash of the same old thing?”
Fair question.
Not really.
Yes, the New X3pure still follows the same teaching as the original, but the approach and style of teaching are completely different. And the teacher is different.
Like I told you a couple of weeks ago, Carl Thomas who teaches this workshop is a straight shooter. He’s been where you are today. He’s gone through the same crap.
And he has his own story of victory.
Watch this quick video about Carl.
When we talked about this project, Carl said the only way he would do it was if he could teach it in such a way that the average guy could connect with what was being taught.
No fancy academic language.
No cliché church speak.
Just one guy talking to another guy honestly, bluntly, and unashamed. Like a real conversation, not a lecture or sermon.
So I agreed, and we got to work.
We revamped everything.
The workbook is new.
The teaching style is new.
Even where we shot the video is completely new (we shot the entire series in a tattoo shop).
The goal was clear: to offer an effective recovery curriculum that is 100% unfiltered, transparent, and relatable.
And that’s what I believe we have accomplished.
We are less than 24 hours away from the release of the New X3pure.
Make sure you check it out tomorrow and take advantage of the special introductory offer we are including 1 FREE year of Small Groups Online included with your purchase.
Remember, that offer is only for the first week so jump on it as soon as you can