If you click on the video below, which has just been added to the site, you can the most amazing person in my life…my wife.
Watching this video, which was filmed about 7 months ago at our home in Colorado, brings back a flood of emotions, some of great sadness, but even more the glory of what God can do when we give up all of the “stuff” and focus on Him.
On the previous blog post there was some discussion of how long you wait for someone to repent. Some mentioned that we had to know if a person was repenting, if they had given up their sinful ways and were walking the right path, so to speak.
This incredible woman went through 8 years of hell in our marriage and then through 8 months of divorce, we came within hours of signing the final papers…and by the grace of this woman, the power of prayer and turning our lives back to God, today things are much different…all the glory to God.
Tonight we will do an event with X3 at an incredible church in Seattle Washington called EastLake Community Church, where they will play this before we speak…it will be hard to watch with others. I hear that shame that I carried for so long, that shame that satan uses against us to keep us from feeling the love of Jesus Christ…that shame that kept me from walking into a church for more than 8 years…I hear those old demons. But I live in the light of the Truth and each day I put on the armor of God, I wake up and give thanks for one more day to honor Him, one more day to walk with honor and integrity…two words I never thought would ever be a part of my life again. Thank you God.
I would like to know your thoughts on this video…I want you to see what happens when grace prevails over judgment…She is my best friend in the whole world and I thank God for her everyday..
God bless you all and thanks for being here.
Steve G