“Can I change?”
This is probably the most provocative question you and I and just about everyone visiting this website will face. Accompanying this question is one of the most devastating forces that prohibits successful change in an individual’s life: fear.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of failure.
Fear of what’s to come.
Fact is, you’re probably afraid to change–and rightfully so. And it’s okay to be afraid! But it’s not okay to allow that fear to dictate your life.
I was afraid the first time I recognized I had a severe anger problem. I was also afraid, if not terrified, the first time I admitted that I had a porn addiction to my wife while we were still dating. And, it was equally as frightening to confess those things to the people who would become my support network.
My fear came from what I couldn’t see and what I couldn’t control. The idea of losing my soon-to-be bride haunted me. The thought that I had disqualified myself from ministry tormented me. The shame that I felt flooding my heart was overwhelming. And the idea that I needed change–but not knowing how or even where to start–plagued my mind.
Yet I was reminded I wasn’t the first person (neither are you) to embark on a mission to change their lifestyle. In fact, as you read through the Bible you’ll see a continual trend of God taking imperfect, broken people who’ve screwed up (just like you and me) and leading them through change:
• The Apostle Paul, formerly known as Saul, was a murderer and leader of the persecution that confronted the early church until God changed his heart and turned him into a pastor who led and protected God’s people.
• King David was a known adulterer who went so far as murdering one guy just so he could shack up with his wife for a night. Yet, God still used him to lead the Israelites and called him a “man after his [God’s] own heart.”
So here’s the truth: you can change. You really can. It’s not going to be easy and, to be honest, it will probably be one of the most difficult voyages you’ve ever sailed. However, the freedom is worth the pursuit.
You can do this. Don’t be afraid.