Part of the problem with porn is that not only is it addicting, many people find they can’t climax without it. You become so dependent on it that your body doesn’t realize when is the appropriate time to climax. It’s like driving the same route to work every day. You become so used to that route that, even though you know there are other ways to get to work, you wouldn’t be able to get to work very easily any other way than what you are used to.
When you do something the same way, over and over and over again, it becomes a habit and many times a very hard to break habit. Drugs are addicting. So is porn. For example, smoking is addicting. Many find they can’t be in a good mood without a cigarette. Many people find they can’t wake up or go to sleep without some coffee. And many people find they cannot climax without dirty material in front of them.
If you are stuck in this trap, you need to get out of it. If you are married, your sex life won’t be very good without being able to climax for your wife. Drop the porn habit. Yes, it is difficult. But overcoming the sin of porn is the right thing to do for several reasons. Eventually, your body will realize that sex with your wife is the time to climax, not when watching a filthy video or pictures.