A friend of mine who is involved in xxxchurch.com ministry asked me to consider some blogs for the website and I happily agreed… months ago.

Why am I just doing this now?

I could give excuses and say the life of a therapist is busy, I’m forgetful, etc. Those would all be partly true, however, the biggest reason is fear.

Fear that I don’t have valuable things to say in this area, fear of “doing it wrong” or that I had to make it professional enough (y’all I’m a comfy pants and pizza kind of girl).

The funny thing is, as a therapist I talk to people about fear on a daily basis.

I remember sitting in my kitchen a year and a half ago talking to my brother-in-law about a dream job opportunity that had just opened up, yet I had no plan to apply for it. Why? Because I thought I wasn’t qualified or good enough.

So instead I was going to stay in a toxic work environment that was slowly eating me up. He looked me square in the eye and asked me “Why would you be the one to tell yourself you can’t do it, why not let them decide?!” When I tell you I felt like I had been hit by a 2×4… DUH.

I was letting fear keep me stuck and unhappy.

Today I am a dual licensed mental health therapist and substance abuse counselor working at my dream job. Why? Because I took a step
and let God take care of the rest.

I think recovery can be a place where fear gets in the way too. Fear of losing relationships, fear of the unknown, fear of what others will think, the list goes on.

What are some of those fears that are keeping you from diving in?

There’s a common phrase in the recovery community “it works if you make it work”. Recovery has to be something that you make work for you.

It’s hard, we all know that. But nobody, not even your therapist can do it for you.

If you’re in recovery and truly seeking freedom, it has to be because you see the value in it, not because so and so dragged you into it. Because the second you and so and so are mad at each other, you’ll throw in the towel.

Recovery is selfish.

Don’t understand me here. It doesn’t mean you push everyone else aside to get yours. But rather you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone and take the necessary steps to find the freedom you’re looking for.

Getting out of your comfort zone can also include inviting others into your struggles. Don’t mistake initiative for independence. Recovery is something we are meant to do together. I think that’s part of why God designed us as social creatures.

There’s an analogy that I was given about fear. When fearful we can do one of two things… I’ll keep it as clean as possible:

F$@* Everything And Run


Face Everything And Rise/Recovery

So which will you choose?