If you are reading this you most likely have come to the realization that you have a problem. And that problem is that you are a slave to sexual sin. The good news is that you are here looking for a solution. I know first hand what it feels like to be in bondage to this disease. The addictive cycle that occurs over and over again consists of making bad decisions, followed by intense and humiliating shame, feelings of worthlessness which fuel more bad decisions etc etc. We feel that we have no way out and that we are all alone. No one else can possibly feel the way we do nor has anyone else done all the horrible things we have done. If our friends or family knew what we were really like they would surely disown us.
Sound familiar? The worst part for us is the utter feelings of hopelessness. We have no idea how to stop. We’ve tried over and over again. We’ve made promises to ourselves and our loved ones that we will stop. Stop buying that pornography, visiting strip clubs, chatting on line, engaging in extra-marital affairs. And we believed that we could live up these promises. In many cases we really believed “this is the last time”. The truth is that we are slaves to sin and as Jesus tells us “very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin” (John 8:34 NIV).
How do we obtain freedom from sexual addiction? Jesus also reveals the solution when he says “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:35).
You see the first step in finding freedom from sexual addiction is to admit that you have a problem. Admit that your life is spinning out of control and your best efforts to stop it have failed. What you need to do is just give up! That’s right, you won’t read that in many “self help” books! Give up the notion that you have the power to turn things around or the idea that you can stop “just because you want to”. A good friend of mine likes to remind me that “there is a God and it is not you!” Only when I give up the idea that “I can fix this” and replace that with “God please help me” does my life start to turn for the better.
In John 8:35 Jesus tells us that he is the answer. If we turn to Jesus and trust that his path is the one to follow we will indeed be freed. “ In John 8:35 Jesus tells us that he is the answer. If we turn to Jesus and trust that his path is the one to follow we will indeed be freed. In their television advertisement, Southwest Airline tells us “you are now free to move about the country.” It is now with this freedom that you have the power to move about Life and make good decisions. This will require some work and discipline to deal with the things that got you into the addictive cycle in the first place. It will require continual reliance on God and those He brings into your life. And it will require you to give this freedom away to others who will come behind you looking for the same freedom
Are you looking for a way out? A place to help you understand what is going on or a place where you can surround yourself with others looking for a way out. Check out X3 Groups. This is a place you can feel safe, open, honest and comfortable.