Ok, here’s the problem. If freedom is more of an experiential thing, something that you can only really appreciate once you’re living it out, then how does one find it? More importantly, how do they know when they “found” it?

I mean, where do you even start? This is the question that faces so many who aren’t living in true freedom, who aren’t really living that “full life” Jesus talks about. 

See, what happens is that people often end up getting confused and start trying to attain their freedom via means that simply aren’t helpful. In essence, what they do does not lead to true representations of freedom at all, but just counterfeits.

For instance, some people hear the word “freedom” and conclude that if they want true freedom they just need to be absent of all controls and rules in their life. They reject any notions of authority or accountability.  But that’s not freedom. That’s anarchy and hedonism. Because true freedom is not found in a life absent of God’s authority; freedom is found when we walk in step with God’s authority.

Of course, there are some who go to the other extreme and say, “Well, if freedom isn’t about a lack of restraint, then freedom must be something you can only experience when you have all the restraint possible.”

In other words…

Freedom can only be realized through a long checklist of rules and protective measures. It’s found in procedures and discipline. This is the type of thinking many who flock to filters and porn-blockers engage in because they mistakenly believe that if they remove any potential for mistakes in their life they will then be “free.” But what happens is that those people just exchange one prison for another. They aren’t free. Rather they are simply restrained.

Finally, there are those who think, “Okay, if freedom isn’t found in the absence of rules and if it’s not found in the presence of rules, it must be found in me writing my own rules.” It must be something they can only experience by defining for themselves what is good, bad, healthy and unhealthy. 

In other words… Freedom is defined by perspective and is subjective.

This perspective is consistent with postmodern thinking and somewhat logical at face value. After all, one can’t feel guilty or bad about breaking the rules if they write the rules. But, a lack of guilt is not freedom. It’s just a lack of conviction. And God uses conviction to bring us closer to him, so we can walk in step with him and his authority.

Admittedly, all of this can get really confusing. Because if freedom is not found in a lack of rules, if it’s not found in the presence of rules, and if it’s not even found in people writing their own rules, then maybe it’s just found in one’s results? I see this type of thinking all the time with people who struggle with drugs or alcohol, or porn. The thought goes – “If I can abstain from my unwanted sexual behaviors then I must be free.”

And again, that sort of thought process sounds logical to be honest. But unfortunately, that’s not freedom either; it’s just sobriety.

Understand, I’ve counseled many guys who’ve told me that they haven’t looked at porn for two or three years, but yet they still struggle every day to keep themselves on a path of sexual integrity.  They find themselves constantly fighting the desire to look at this, or look at, to indulge in this or indulge in that. Ultimately, they are sober. But instead of flourishing, they are just trying to survive the mire. And that’s not freedom either. That’s not what Jesus was talking about.

Ultimately, the reason we get confused with all this stuff is because real freedom is so much bigger than what any of us can sometimes conceive. It’s so much deeper, richer, and fulfilling, than we can ever imagine. 

True freedom is, as Jesus said, living life to the fullest.

And yes, while the path to freedom is going to require some discipline, it’s going to require a lot of work, and even a lot of pain at times. But once we get there… once YOU get there, you’ll know it. And it’ll be so worth it.

By the way, if you are looking for a safe place to start your freedom journey, look no further than Small Groups Online. Our online support groups are perfect for those seeking sexual integrity, community, and mental wellbeing. Use code FREEDOM24 at checkout to get your first month for just $1.