Instant PornI like things that are quick. Microwaves. Fast food. Immediate movie streaming online. Digital photos I can take on my phone and upload in seconds.

I also like making my life easier sometimes by paying other people to do the job, like the drive-through oil change, pizza delivery, or online bill paying.

Can sobriety and purity be instant, quick, and easy? Not exactly (Tweet This). You can’t pay someone to guarantee your purity, either. And purity is still a process. But there are some very easy and quick purity benefits to X3groups.

Instant Connection With Experienced Leaders – Every leader in an X3group is a seasoned veteran in his or her own sobriety who is actively working on their recovery and who has had success. Additionally, each leader has gone through extensive X3 training. From your first meeting, you’ve got a quality leader to partner with.

Instant Safe, Confidential Environment – It’s hard to find safe people to talk to about your sexual struggles, much less a safe community of people (Tweet This). X3groups major on creating safe, non-threatening, non-judgmental places for you to work on your recovery. They practice very well God’s unconditional love in these groups.

Instant Structure – Sexual strugglers have trouble with too much freedom. Our lack of structure and lack of accountability has fostered problems. X3groups meet each week for one hour. They start on time. They go through eight key questions and check in. Structure helps the groups function well and feel safe.

Instant Brothers in the Battle – It takes time to find others who struggle in your local area and are willing to talk about it. Every guy in the group wants to get better and is working on it. Good, bad, or ugly, the guys show up. X3groups max out at 12 people, and you usually have at least 6 at a given meeting. You’ll never feel alone in the battle.

Instant Place to Practice – Purity is a process. Sobriety happens day after day. We need a place to go where we can learn, make mistakes, vent, work through feelings and thoughts, and find courage to continue. X3groups are a great place to slowly build your strength, like going to the gym… joining an X3group is the “purity gym” for many.

It used to be hard and costly to find these things. It took time, money, counselor visits, and a great deal of effort. has made it easier for you and me to be instantly connected.

You are already reading this blog. Why not take the additional step of trying out an X3group?


[Sign up for an X3group today and save 50% off your first month with discount code HALF]

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Instant Porn, Instant Recovery? by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.