xxxchurch - Is Change Possible Or Is It Too Good To Be True- (1)One of the things I’m most looking forward to introducing next week with the My Pilgrimage experience is a whole new outlook on life itself.

That probably sounds like such an over-the-top, brash statement but no matter what it sounds like, I mean it.

After 15 years of helping people through the trenches of addiction, I didn’t think I could be wowed by anything new, either, but I am!

Whether it’s pornography addiction, substance abuse or the compounding weight of depression, anxiety and shame that accompany them.

The loneliness of fighting private battles with yourself is debilitating.

Is change possible?

No matter what the last couple of years have been like for you, no matter how stuck or alone you may feel, I hope you haven’t given up.

I still believe that change is possible and it starts with the way we think.

If we can change that, we can change everything.

It’s true. I’ve seen it happen. If you watched the three free videos I talked about last week, then you saw one of my friends share his story. My Pilgrimage is full of stories just like his. All of the people who experienced this journey… they were tired of fighting with themselves, by themselves.

Are you?

In their despair, all of these guys had to make a choice.

They chose change.

They chose freedom.

They chose to journey down a sacred path that altered the course of their lives in ways that they never thought possible.

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I heard about their stories, and even got to experience some of the journey with them.

I thought, we have got to get this out so others can be a part of this, too.

I’m glad we were able to and I hope it encourages you the way that it did for me. Thanks for watching.

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