There are many things pornography promises. Pornography can promise a temporary satisfaction. Pornography can promise fantasy. Pornography can even promise an escape from realism. It can promise for that one very moment you can leave all your cares behind, and concentrate on that one distraction. The kids screaming? Gone! The wife nagging? Gone! All in one instant, pornography can promise these things. Job sucks? Not at that very moment, why? Because porn has held true to it’s promise. It has given you the escape you were looking for.
However there’s a flip side. There is another promise. Purity’s promise. Purity’s promise is beautiful. Purity in all its intent and purpose can also promise satisfaction, but the difference is purity’s promise is not temporal, it is not fleeting. Purity’s promise remains! It’s consistent, concise, and beautiful. Where the promises of porn are self serving, the promises of purity are self disciplining. The promises of porn are reactionary, and the promises of purity are proactive. There is no control of your own what so ever in the promises of porn. The promises of porn hold zero value.
Every time I make a promise to one of my children they hound me about that promise. Why? Because they know the value in the commitment of a promise from daddy. They understand if dad promised it to us, it holds its weight in gold. We all live by particular promises. What promises are you committing to? Here’s the deal breaker. The promises of porn are easy, the promises of purity are very difficult.
It’s easy to commit to something that will allow you a temporary escape. However real men don’t take the easy way out. They commit to a promise that not only benefits them, but the loved ones they are surrounded by. Purity’s promise is a promise of a better life for not only you, but to those loved ones around you.