Does my porn addiction enslave little girls like my daughters?                                                                  

I never wanted to think about this question.  Every woman is someone’s little girl whether he was a good and loving father or not.  Certainly, every woman is God’s precious daughter.  I wanted to believe that the women I was watching and lusting over were happy to be doing what they were doing.  They certainly looked happy.  So, when I was asked to do a piece on the connection between porn and sex trafficking, I was at a loss as far as factual information is concerned so I was slow about responding to the request.  However, I just happen to have a friend who has started a ministry to women who have been trapped in the sex trafficking industry so I went to her for facts.  The rest of this is her response to my request for information.

Sandra Savage, founder of BeLoved Ministries INC states it like this: Basically – increase of porn addiction forces the supply of women – whether its a club, porn or rape for profit. No demand of addicts = no supply needed. No need to force women into sex, etc…

To understand a women who has gotten trapped in the sex industry it may help to get some stats. Because it’s all interrelated. Strip clubs, pornography, sex addiction, prostitution and trafficking all work together under the umbrella of the commercial sex industry.

I (Sandra) have spent the past 7 years working in the field of sex addiction and here are some of the things I have seen. With the prevalence of pornography on the internet, more and more people are sliding faster and faster into addiction. It’s just like alcoholism. You start with a beer, go to wine, a few mixed drinks, a bottle and you are in a downward spiral. Sex addiction is the same. It starts with some magazines, goes to video, that doesn’t satisfy, so the porn you watch is more frequent and more aggressive, it goes more deviant and younger, then the end stage is acting out with a person, possibly younger and younger and you have hit the bottom. I believe we are seeing an increase of sex trafficking not only because it is more profitable to rent out a person more than once, but because the demand is now higher as addiction escalates.

 Demand forces the supply, addictions run deeper, and eventually you have addicts who seek out younger and younger supply.

Did you know: (as stated on Treasures website: (

 * More women are employed by the sex industry than any other time in history

 * There are more strip clubs in the United States than any other nation in the world

 * Between 66-90% of women in the sex industry were sexually abused as children

 * Trafficking in women is the second largest global organized crime today and Sex trafficking generates approximately $12 BILLION a year

 * There 1.39 MILLION victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide

A couple of days ago I did a quick search on Backpage in their adult section for Miami and there were 484 ads for that one day. Right now people working to find missing and exploited children are searching Backpage as so many of the ads are actually put online by a pimp using code words to let the renter know that the girl is underage.

* The average age of entry into prostitution 12-14 YRS in the US. and the average life span after a person has initially been trafficked is 7 years. That means if she is trafficked at 13, she is dead by 20. Do you realize these kids are not being sold, they are being rented out by the minute.

70 percent of all trafficking victims labor or sex are first trafficked into the commercial sex industry whether that is a strip club, porn, an escort agency,and street prostitution.

 Dan again, “trafficked at 13, she is dead by 20″…..and we think porn is harmless????????