Porn stars leave the industry for various reasons. But is there life after porn? God certainly wants us to live a life free of porn in the first place. However, anyone can find forgiveness in God, even those who think they are unforgivable.

Meet Kristenye Riddick. She was abused as a child. She abused drugs. She was in an abusive relationship. She lied about her age to get into porn, as a teen. She thought God had abandoned her because of what she had been doing.

But little did she know, God did not abandon her. She eventually did get out and realizes that God was with her all the time. Now she wants to help other people because of her experiences. She realized that God can use her past to glorify Him. There are still consequences to deal with. Her mother wants nothing to do with her and will not allow her to see her own child.

It will take some time to rebuild that trust. But God is still in the miracle business. It pains Him to see His children going through lives like this. He does not like to see people living in sin, no matter what kind. He gives every opportunity for them to choose Him so that He can free them from slavery to sin.

And as much as He wants to free us from this sin slavery, many times He has to allow us to go through the consequences of our actions and choices. But there is a blessing in this. If we allow Him, He can use these consequences from our choices to make us stronger and more like His Son, Jesus.

John 6:37 says this, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.”