What is pornograffitti? You are not going to find the definition of it in Websters dictionary. Yes, Pornograffitti is an album title. But this is how I interpret the word, the definition by Steve-Oh. Pornograffitti is the junk you spray paint ,mark and defile your mind with by viewing porn. That simple. I guess you could call it a form of mental vandalism. One definition of graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or
marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is sometimes regarded as a
form of art. I have heard many people argue that porn is art. Porn is damaging just like graffiti on the streets. Imagine this, when you get up in the morning, pour a cup of coffee, turn on the news and find that one of our nations landmarks has been defiled by graffiti. There are pictures of naked men and women engaged in all types of sexual activity.It will take days or even weeks to get the graffiti removed, but we will always remember what we saw on that landmark till the day we die. Now lets apply that to our lives. God sees us as treasure. He made us in his image and designed us individually. He knows the number of hairs on our head or in my case the ones hidden in my head. So how do you think he feels when he sees us turning our brain into a portfolio of pornograffitti? This stuff can never be removed it is permanent! You can stop looking at it and recover, but it is always there. Just like the landmark even though it was cleaned up, we still remember what was there.
On the album Pornograffitti, the song by the same title talks about how much sex is pushed on us in society and the song was written in the early 90s. Here are some of the lyrics
Sex on the brain
Pumped in my veins
Flowing from my head to my feet
Sex on TV
Rotation heavy
You and I are what we eat
Sex when I’m all alone
It calls me on the phone
Cant stop this ringing in my ear
Sex in excess
Filling all our senses
Keep saying theres nothing to fear
All I see is pornograffitti
All I hear pornograffitti
See no, hear no
All I speak pornograffitti
All I fear pornograffitti
Speak no evil..
Sex and porn are around us 24/7. Guard your heart and mind. Don’t let pornography vandalize your life, mind and family. Take the proper steps to protect your property from vandals.
I have a prayer that I pray daily. My pastor shared this with us years ago about what to watch out for in our daily lives.. I use it as a prayer of protection and it is really simple to remember. W.A.T.C.H
Here is exactly what I pray Lord, help me today with my Words, Actions,Thoughts,Company and Heart. Amen.
That simple. I want to leave you with something I read today,
Make intense decisions. Based on the past, thinking about the present, and looking ahead to the future.
Until next week!
Steve Oh
Love Jesus/Love People