Eye’s of Integraty – The Porn Pandemic and How It Affects You
Chapter 3 – Honorable Men Equipping Guys for Sexual Integrity
“Reason for Hope”
But what if you’ve fallen? Is there any way to get back up? We’ve created some resources to help, like the X3pure program, a thirty-day online recovery program (see www.x3pure.com for more information). We also have two books, one written specifically for men called Pure Eyes: A Man’s Guide to Sexual Integrity and one for women called Pure Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Integrity.
But recovery begins with acceptance. After his failure with Bathsheba, King David crawled into a private place with God. He wrote out his apology and redirected his life plan. It’s called Psalm 51. In the midst of his despair, David became willing to accept the consequences of his clandestine behavior, crying out for change that he knew would cost him everything.
God listened to him and had mercy on David and Bathsheba. And because of David’s repentant heart, God gave them a second son, named Solomon. From Solomon’s family line, Jesus eventually came. It’s never too late for God to redeem the life of a sinner. There will always be consequences for sin—some of them very rough. But God’s redemption is always worth it.
So where are you in relationship to porn and sexual temptation?
Maybe you are like me. You too would have felt tension in New Orleans.
Maybe you identify with one of the confessors in the previous chapter.
Maybe you are like David.
Maybe you fantasize about women, and intimacy with your spouse has grown dormant.
Maybe you are living as an imposter.
Maybe your kids see you one way and you are living another way.
Maybe it is time to change.
There is hope.
There will always be hope.
To Order your copy of Eyes of Integrity: The Porn Pandemic and How It Affects You, please visit Amazon.com and get your copy today.