As we come in to Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for, my wonderful wife, my kids, my God who makes all things possible in my life.
I have my own business which I have had for many years and yes, the economy is killing me, I am not sure if I will make it…but I am a rich man, not in finances, I am as near bankruptcy as I have ever been…but I am rich because I have recovered from the near death of this addiction and I have my family…I am a rich man.
Another thing I give thanks for is my fraternity. I am talking about each of you who come to this site…some come and never retrun but many of you stay. I read the words of encouragement you offer to me and to the others who come here…this is the fraternity I am speaking of.
One of the most amazing books I have ever read was written by Lewis Presnall, called Search for Serenity and I quote here often from his book. It is about sexual addiction, you can find it online, but it is not your usual addiction book…it is kind and compassionate and has a lot of Ah Ha moments where I find myself saying “That’s me”…but there is a part of this book which reminds me of all of you who share yourselves, your hurts, your pains and your victories; most of all you share your compassion
This reminds me so much of all of you…From Search for Serenity:
There is a growing fraternity in this world today. It is the fraternity of those whose present successes have been built upon the wreckage of past failure. People who belong to this fraternity, which exists without a formal organization, have a common bond of experience. They help one another. They help others who come to them in trouble, seeking the strength and guidance which comes only with experience. This fraternity is made up of people who have known the locked doors of mental institutions. Among them are those to whom the seamy side of life is no strange garment. The language of the clinical institution, the jail, the penitentiary, are will known to members of this fraternity. Among them are some of our most respected citizens.
As a group, members of this fraternity are perhaps the most sane individuals in our society today. They know how to give. They know how to love their fellow men. They understand their own weaknesses and are tolerant of weakness in others. They are at home in the heaven of their newly-found serenity because they once learned in all honesty to face the inner hell of their own confusion.
Lives “built upon the wreckage of past failures”, “They help one another”, “They know how to give. The know how to love their fellow men”. These words, they speak of each of you who come here….
I am thankful for my fraternity and I want you to know how very much I appreciate all you do here on this site.
God loves you brothers and so do I.
Steve G