Pool, water park, beach, jacuzzi at the gym or whatever – we have to be prepared to fight the temptation! If you are struggling with unhealthy sexual behaviors you have to be prepared in advance to win. Heading to a public pool without the proper tools in your tool belt is planning to fail. Here’s a few thoughts I shared in our online church service.
1. Don’t go ALONE
Don’t enter an environment of great temptation alone. This may sound odd, but I would recommend a pre-trip strategy session. Whose coming with me? Let’s keep each other in check. Let’s take out our contact lenses or forget our glasses at home. Anytime you fight a battle with a team you are far more likely to win.
For most of my life I have heard people say to me, “All you need is God.” When I am going through a difficult time in my life or struggling to break free from some sin or emotion, ALL YOU NEED IS GOD. The crazy thing about that statement is it is not true and it is not biblical. God doesn’t even believe that.
Yes, God will never leave your side and will always help you through the mess of life. And, Yes, God will provide relationships in your life that will be critical to your success. However, sometimes God’s method of help is sending the people he has allowed to be your friends.
Your success will be directly connected to the quality of the relationships around you and your willingness to run to them for help.
2. RUN away
I am serious. You may not be the one choosing when and how long you can be at the public pool. If temptation creeks up and begins to threaten your purity – RUN. This may mean relocating yourself to a more secluded spot on the deck of the pool or exiting all together. The other option for our younger readers is go swimming at the local senior living complex. If that still doesn’t work take some advice from Paul to his younger apprentice.
“Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts.” [2 TIMOTHY 2:22]
One of my college professors gave this example when talking about temptation, specifically sexual temptation. He said, so you are sitting outside a coffee shop and you see a beautiful woman walking towards you. As she gets closer you realize that she is wearing a see thru blouse. She sits down at the table directly in front of you, facing you. The temptation to stare and lust after her is extremely high – what are you going to do?
Many men have been in this situation. What is your first step? You sit there and redirect you eyes? No. That’s not going to work. You start praying for her. Nice thought, but she is still half nude right in front of you.
The first step when confronted with temptation is removing yourself from the opportunity. Tighten up your shoes and run! Get as far away from the temptation as possible.
If you are becoming stimulated it is probably too late. Catch yourself sliding early and then immediately flee.
(Thoughts taken from X3LIVE on Sundays message, What Do I Do When Tempted, https://xxxchurch.com/videos)