Interested, interested, very interested then nothing at all. When I look back at my journey into porn, Kevin Nealon reviewing porn pops up…
If you didn’t look at the video take a look at about 1:20 on, it explains the result of looking at porn. I wasn’t as young as most people when I got into watching porn. I was about 17-18. I got into watching porn because I didn’t want to have sex with my girlfriend and she thought that watching porn would help entice me to have sex. Sadly we did other stuff, but we never had sex.
It just didn’t happen and after a couple of months I ended that that relationship badly. Afterwards, Porn wasn’t something I needed, but it was interesting to me. It took a while before it became more interesting to me, but by the time I turned 19, it was very interesting.
It started out just watching a couple of video here and there. Soon I found myself online at my apartment with along when my roommates were gone looking at porn when they weren’t around. I thought I was still doing ok, I didn’t have a ton of faith, but knew this was wrong. It was still better than going out and having sex I told myself (To me, this made it ok).
I was still a virgin and at the time figured that was better and more holy then going out partying and having sex. Porn was not that bad compared to actual sex (I thought, now looking back I think how stupid I was) I wouldn’t even classify myself as being addicted to it. It was just there and was interesting, soon it was very interesting while it didn’t go as far as the stuff Nealon talks about in his clip the result was still the same…
Ashamed, depressed, suicidal, dejected, rejected, sad, alone and you get the point. We all have different ways porn as affected us. How did your journey start? Are you ready to end it? You are at the right place, get the help needed.
You don’t have to feel ashamed, sad, guilt or depressed. Today can be a new day for you to conquer your problems. It’s not the start that matters but the finish.
Get the help needed.