A few months ago I had to go through something every man hates to do. Go to the doctor for a check up. Most of us guys won’t go to the doctor when we are sick much less when we are feeling well. I made up my mind I was going and went. When I arrived at the office they took me back and promptly checked my weight, blood pressure and temperature. Then I was escorted to the exam room and given a paper gown and was told to “get nekind” (NEKID: is a southern term which means naked, nude, or remove your clothes). I did as I was told got undressed and put that paper gown on . Sitting there wearing nothing but a paper thin dress is one of the most uncomfortable things I can think of. Then in walks the doctor who is about to give me a few more things to add to my uncomfortable list. After all that we go through these series of questions raging from alcohol use to sexual activity. I am telling this to a man I hardly know. After it was all said and done he gave me a clean bill of health and told me to come back and see him in a year.
From time to time we all need to step into the “exam room” and “get nekid” and I don’t mean literally. I mean get one on one with the great physician and spend sometime soul searching, checking for any abnormalities in our lives. We are encouraged in scripture to take inventory of our motives and desires. Like a check up with your doctor this too is going to seem like an inconvenience and this just like an exam may get uncomfortable and even hurt a little. A little pain now may save a great deal of pain later. Sit down and acknowledge some of the things you are dealing with. It could be lust, masturbation or adultery. What ever you are struggling with there is nothing that our God cannot fix. All we have to do is listen to what he has to say to us and then follow his care plan for our lives.
Steve oh