Earlier this week, Lt. Joe Rampolla shared about some common sexting situations and the associated legal complications involved when kids are creating child-produced child pornography. One of the resources he highlighted outlines how states are modifying their existing laws to recognize this problem along with their efforts to update legislation and create new laws to deal with kids who create or disseminate child pornography.
Many schools are also beginning to include information and administrative/faculty protocols regarding what to do if students are sending and receiving sext messages on campus. It’s critical for parents to know their school’s action plan and to encourage their school to have clear guidelines with regard to sexting on campus if they don’t already.
So, does your school have an action plan or Internet use policy that incorporates guidance on sexting? If so, we would love to hear about it. Also, if you have been instrumental in encouraging your school to include resources and information that address sexting, we would love to hear about how you went about getting your school involved.
Thank you, as always, for sharing your wisdom.