Our teenagers live in a culture where dildos, swinging, S&M, and sexting are the norm. Throughout popular media—whether TV shows, video games or movies—sex has been reduced to skin on skin. For many teenagers, sex has become a purely physical act, fully divorced from spirituality, love, and commitment. Sex, pornography, and “hooking up” are all met with the same response: “It’s no big deal.”
Most of our teenagers today don’t know where to turn to learn about sex, and many feel confused, fearful, and alone as a result. Those who are struggling with pornography addiction or unhealthy sexual life patterns don’t know how to find freedom and healing from the choices they’ve made, and they are afraid their parents, friends or the church will label them as perverts if they come clean with their true struggles.
It’s almost always difficult for us to talk about these issues with our kids, and when I was in high school, the last thing I wanted to do was to talk about sex with my parents. The good news for me was that I had mentors and other youth group leaders in my life who were talking openly and honestly about the very issues that I, and many of my friends were struggling with as a teen, which is why Craig Gross and I partnered to create two resources that can help.
The Volunteer’s Back Pocket Guide to Sex
This book doesn’t sugarcoat the realities that teens are confronted with today. The Back Pocket Guide to Sex bluntly and honestly tackles the toughest topics, including pornography, sexuality, masturbation, and purity. Using God’s truth as the foundation for the conversation, this will equip those who work with your kids with practical information and powerful strategies to help them become a volunteer youth worker who helps teenagers live wisely and walk in freedom. This is also a great read for any parent, and I would strongly encourage you to get a copy for yourself and your youth group.
Pure Sex dives right into the heart of the matter with a four-lesson curriculum. This DVD based study features Craig Gross, myself and a few powerful appearances from Levi the Poet.
Topics in this series include:
◦ Lesson 1: Is Purity Still Possible?
◦ Lesson 2: Land of XXX
◦ Lesson 3: How Far is Too Far?
◦ Lesson 4 (for the guys): Masturbation
◦ Lesson 4 (for the girls): Girl Stuff
Yes, teenagers can make wise choices in our sex-saturated culture. And yes, youth workers (and parents!) can have honest, appropriate, healthy conversations with teenagers without getting embarrassed. Pure Sex will open the doors to a Christ-centered dialogue. This curriculum includes loads of useful materials to help you (the parent) generally and youth groups specifically, including discussion guides, promotional materials, and more. The 4-week video curriculum provides healthy teaching and conversation on several issues surrounding sex.
Click here to order a copy of The Volunteer’s Back Pocket Guide to Sexfor yourself and your youth group today.
And click here to order a copy of the Pure Sex 4-Part DVD curriculum and start changing how your teenagers view sex.