Let me tell you why porn makes me angry. Pornographers on the Internet put a lot of effort into making sure kids stumble into porn. It’s not right. As parents, we can go through the efforts of raising our kids with the understanding of what is appropriate to view online. With can give them the wisdom and guidance to help them stay away from inappropriate content. And our kids could be doing just that online, but then with an innocent misspelling or a website or through other nefarious means a pornographer can spring the trap and splash unwanted porn images onto their screen and into their souls.
Our children can be at home innocently doing homework and run into porn as they do a Google image search. I was in a school classroom once where the class was doing a project on Valentines. A student did an image search for Valentines on Google images and one of the images was a close up of a girl’s vagina. That was not what they were looking for, but the pornographers sprung their trap. Some common misspelling of popular kids oriented websites will take you right to hardcore pornographic websites. Again the pornographers have sprung their trap. So even though your kids can be online making good choices to stay away from porn the pornographers can come looking for them. And they put your kids in very compromising situations by forcing them to come face-to-face with the porn they were trying to avoid. Pornography is enticing and can be addicting. The pornographers know that. That is why the want to spring it on unsuspecting people in hopes they can draw them in and get them hooked. All in hopes of cultivating a new paying customer.
That sounds a lot like what drug dealers do. They give people a little bit for free in hopes they get them hooked so they now have a long term paying customer. Just think if drug dealers could use the Internet to sprinkle a little cocaine on the computer desk of you home for your kids to try. Wouldn’t you be outraged? Wouldn’t be on with the police, calling your congressmen and reporting it to the news? Of course you would. What makes me angry is that the pornographers are dumping inappropriate and addictive images onto our kid’s computer screens and there is no national outrage. So it continues and we don’t do something we could end up with a whole generation porn addicts.