The porn industry glamorizes unprotected sex with multiple partners anytime, anywhere. Hollywood does much the same thing but the risk and consequences of these actions are never show in porn films. And in Hollywood movies showing the consequences of unprotected sex would certainly be the rare exception and not the rule. Hollywood and the porn industry are about fantasy, not reality. But this past week reality caught up to fantasy when a porn star tested positive for HIV. The news sent a shock wave through the industry halting production at two major porn studios and leaving the HIV positive porn stars many partners concerned about their exposure. The Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation made a statement saying they were “quarantining and testing all exposed partners to the individual.” These porn actors have to be terrified.

I am truly sad for all those caught up in this. HIV can be a death sentence and I don’t wish that on anyone. But this, unfortunately, is the reality of what can happen if you choose to participate in the type of sexual activities mentioned above. The problem is that movies and videos are powerful mediums that help shape culture and the youth are particularly impressionable. How much are teens thinking about condoms and HIV when they’re trying to have sex; especially when condoms and sexually transmitted diseases are not part of the fantasy.

Hopefully the consumers of porn will see the reality that is racing through the porn industry. It’s too bad porn can’t have a Surgeon Generals warning like cigarettes do. Warning: If you try to imitate what you see in this film it could kill you.